about Mike

Eight years old, singing Handel's Hallelujah chorus in the boys choir.
Sitting with my siblings at Mass each Sunday as Mom and Dad sang in the church choir.
Family sing-a-longs on long car trips and visits with uncle Joe and his guitar.
Singing in Croatian for my great grandmother.
Childhood piano, five years of cello lessons.
Always glad to do anything to get out of class in junior high, I played cello in advanced orchestra, stringed bass in intermediate, violin in beginning.
Sitting in my high school counselor's office, he tells me that I need one more class, why not guitar...
Music, an integral part of every stage of my life. Is it any surprise that after a dramatic conversion experience at the age of 18, my prayers would come out as song?
Since then I've spent countless hours with my guitar on my chest singing out my prayers to the Lord.
Weekly prayer meetings, Search retreats, Christians In Commerce, Youth 2000, Marian conferences, charismatic conferences, pilgrimages, The Threshing Floor, Life Teen Mass, family Mass, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals...
Singing, leading, writing and sharing.
For me this site is simply another living room prayer gathering.
Another blessing.
Thanks for coming.

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